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Posts posted by Minime93ireland

  1. I appreciate that you have admitted to griefing, saves a lot of unnecessary back and forth. But regardless of the matter, is that upon arriving on our server, you are spawned in an area in which you are supposed to read the rules, so either you ignored them and continued on and broke the rules, OR, you read them and completely chose to ignore them and broke the rules. Either way we presented the rules to you upon joining, and it doesn't have anything to do with us being a towny server, it's just our guidelines which you should've read upon joining. You will need to serve your remaining sentence in jail. Remember that any further griefs from you will result in a more serious sentence, including the possibility of a permanent jailing. I recommend between now and your release that you reeducate yourself on our rules. http://www.abgn.net/rules

  2. We've used herobrine mod before on this server, it caused a ruckus and made the server unmanageable with all the freaking out everyone did. As far as the marriage plugin goes, that would be up to tarquin, but it wouldn't add much to keep people engrossed and to stop from boredom that you are experiencing. As far as mob disguises go, we do have that plugin, it is available to premium and VIP members. We appreciate the suggestions and we will keep it in consideration. We are always looking for ways to improve our server, so make sure to share any suggestions that you have.

  3. You're appeal has been denied. You can serve your remaining time in jail. I understand that you were trying to keep your horses stuff, but the fact remains that you can never assume a house is abandoned. You knew it wasn't yours and you broke into it anyways. In the future, any further grief will result in more severe punishment. Please understand our rules are in place for a reason and are non-negotiable.

  4. You have permanently jailed as this is your 4th offense.

    You're first offense ,which resulted in a 3 hour jailing.



    You're second offense, which resulted in a 5 hour jailing.



    You're third offence, which reulted in a permanent jailing.



    After the server reset, you were released and given a chance that you wouldn't had have before, after being given this chance, you took it upon yourself to grief, yet again.



    After being jailed and arguing it and being told to stop, you even tried to bribe me for your release, that is entirely not appropriate and not becoming of an honest person who wants to be a good player on the server.



    You have shown in the past 5 months, that it is your intention to cause grief to others and to the integrity of this server. 

    You received a 4th chance that most people never get, and you chose to waste it.


    I will not give you a chance to explain your actions as words will not fix the damage you have done during the multiple chances you have been given.


    Your appeal has been denied. You may reappeal in 21 days.

    During this time, I highly recommend that you visit the server and behave while you are in jail. Prove to us you can be a kind player and not harass staff and other players. In 21 days, if you choose to reappeal, and you have behaved, I may be inclined to grant one final chance.

  5. After deliberation, it is my choice to APPROVE this appeal, effective immediately, you will be released from jail.

    Upon release, remember that you only have this one last chance, and further grief or any issues that we encounter, I, nor the rest of the staff, will show this much leniency. I hope that you decide to change your attitude on the server, and hope that you will end up making a great addition to the community.

    I am placing my trust in you to do the right thing, do not make me regret this.

  6. Your name appears on absolutely none of those builds as building them, only destroying them, so I am quite inclined to disagree with your statements about the builds belonging to you. All of these griefs, were reported by other players, not just us running around. People complained about the griefs, and had no knowledge you.

    Also, in regards to the xray, no. It had nothing to do with luck, when you do our job, and we see stuff like that on a regular basis, we know what to look for, and even if you had just decided to change directions, you STILL would not have seen the ores that were broken. In fact, these weren't even in your tunnel, you went into someone else's tunnel, and decided a very specific spot to branch off and go right for ores.

    Your excuses do not add up, and the decision will not be overturned.

    DENIED. 30 days. No less.

  7. You have been permanently jailed as this is actually your 4th strike (We normally perm after 3)

    Strike 1.

    Jailed for 2 days

    Strike 2.

    Jail extended to 3 days.

    Strike 3.

    Jailed for 2 days

    Strike 4.

    This is the xray. Your tunnels branched directly to ores that were impossible to see.

    We do not jail without proof, and coming on to the teamspeak afterwards to give us attitude and then refusing to listen to the staff who were trying to help you keep you from getting into further trouble, but you decided to be disrespectful and tell everyone else to be quiet because you only wanted to hear from me and get attitude with me about your jailing.

    Your appeal is DENIED, you may reappeal in no less than 30 days.

    In the next 30 days, I recommend that you don't disrespect our staff and cause any issues on the server, if I hear or witness any issues on the server or ts, it will not help your chance next time around.

  8. In addition to ankcta's inquiry of why you would use xray (make sure you answer her question), you stated you didn't read the rules because your friend wanted to tpa. Well, you cannot tpa in the beginning area when you are supposed to read the rules. So, either you completely ignored the rule books and just went through it uncaring of our rules, OR, you read all the rules and just chose to not follow them anyways. Could you confirm which one of those categories you fell into? Because I'm slightly confused.

  9. We don't openly tell players who did it to prevent against revenge.

    But, players appeal their griefs with full knowledge that proof will be openly given, so if players see it that way, we cant help that, and 99% of the time, people don't find out. But the ones that have seen it on the forums, typically end up causing a scene later on.

    But in our experience it is best not to tell players who griefed them as it causes attitudes, tensions, and arguments on the server, which is something that we try to avoid at all costs.

    It may seem odd to you, but all these small nuances have very good reasons behind them, and are based out of experience, and situations that we have witnessed.

  10. Locking is not something that we decide on, its a plugin that is used, it doesnt support the locking of items like that.

    If you have had issues with griefs, it may be time to start a town to protect your items.

    I wish we could return items to users, but we can't pick and choose what griefs and items to go after.

    I understand it's expensive items, but every item griefed is of value to someone.

  11. First of all, you were not punished for asking for your items back.

    The reason the mute was given, was because after being told numerous times to drop it and that we don't provide items back, you continued to make suggestions. While we welcome suggestions of all kinds, I did inform you that reimbursement of items from jailed players is simply not feasible. We would have to count up every single item that was taken, locate the items (They could be anywhere) and then get them back to you. To do this on every grief would not be possible and is simply too time consuming and demanding on the staff. We do our best to punish griefers as they arise so that they cannot further damage anyone, but repair of any griefed build is solely the responsibility of the owner. I know being griefed sucks, but as we tried to explain it, you said you understood but kept going at it. The initial mute of 10 min by ankcta was given as you had given her trouble after being asked to stop which forced me to intervene. After witnessing all of it, simba believed 10 minutes was not enough.

    Now, because of the situation, i understand you being upset, therefore.

    Your mute will be shortened to 1 hour, starting now.

    When the mute has been completed, please remember that we do welcome suggestions, been when asked to drop a subject, please adhere to the request, as next time, we may not be as lenient.

    Have a good day, and enjoy your time on the server, hopefully we don't see another topic from you, in this section , in the future.

  12. I also love this server, which is why I donate my time to help keep it as enjoyable as possible for all players, your actions over the past month has seemed to want to work against me. You do show remorse in your actions, but at this time your appeal has been denied.

    Now, I will allow you to re appeal in 7 days, and as long as you, in the next week, can show that we have no reason not to trust you, I will be more inclined to grant you one final chance.

  13. You were permajailed for your third strike of disobeying the rules on the server.

    Strike one which resulted in a 2 day jail:

    Strike two which resulted in a 4 day jail:

    Strike three which has resulted in a perm jail:

    In less than a month you have destroyed another players build and left a sign taunting them about it, you have destroyed dirt to create an inappropriate and offensive build, and have gone out of your way to insult, not only me, but the moderation staff in general. Why should we give you another chance back on the server after the way you have acted?