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Posts posted by MrMaggie

  1. @ But surely certain items warrant selling value? Melons? Wheat is sellable? Bread? Crafted from wheat? Cake? I understand what youre saying but giving everyone the opportunity to sell wouldnt make it unfair, if anything it would rebuild the server faster.

    I just feel like im losing a lot, and tbh probably wont continue playing if at least some extra items are not added to the sellable items.

    Edit: Also the vote for server reset was probably predominatly voted by people who joined, seen the carnage but had never played on the server.

  2. Due to the fact that you are reseting the server, it feels as though the innocent people are being punished. For this reason would it be possible for you to expand the selling shop (so that everything can be sold), this would allow us to recuperate at least some of what will be lost in this reset? I think it's only fair.

    Please reply. Thanks.