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Posts posted by EdwardPike

  1. I would also like to add that I can build some stuff if it's needed for something or other O.o just let me know!!

    Funny thing again! : One day my cat walked over my laptop whilst I was playing Minecraft....my character started mining....I hit diamond.

    It was FUNNY!

  2. Name: Edward Pike (kind of obvious I guess ^.^)

    Age: 16!

    Location: Northern England, UK

    What games do you play?: Minecraft....on PC....but once new computer arrives I'm getting more games :D also play serveral xbox games...

    How did you find 2girls1minecraft?: By misconduct typing on veritas xD she's kind of....awesome!

    What position are you applying for?: Moderator

    Why do you feel you'll be a good asset to us?: I'm a friendly person (apparently o.o) and know the difference between right and wrong!! As mod I could keep misbehaving people on the right track!!

    Please list any experience you have in the position you are applying for: Erm...erm....I used to be 'mod' on school forums. But that sucked becuase it was all about rubbish things like uniform :L other than that, none but sure I could learn! ^.^

    Make us laugh (joke, etc): I do archery.....so can give misconduct some bows and arrows ^.^ and I...I.....like cake!! So that's for niea! Hehe