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Posts posted by ScurvyD40pf

  1. Thanks!!! Glad to hear you liked it....also, nice to meet you...I don't believe we've had the pleasure of an introduction. The next one should be early next week, allowing of course for Forrest and I to be lazy... :)

  2. Forrest gives Farcry 3 a go, and tries to master the jungle. Will he succeed or will he die so many times Kenny would feel bad for him? Watch and find out!

  3. Hey Abyssals! It's been a while hasn't it?! I just wanted to let you all know I'm still alive and well. My wife and I relocated to another city, and as of now do not have internet access (long story, not worth knowing really). Anyhow, I'm relying on Forrest's connection for the time being, when I can get over here. Soon though all that shall change and I will be back to my usual rowdy self. Have fun in my absence, but not to much fun....or at least don't do anything I wouldn't do!

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  4. I have requests, and my wife spilled the beans (chili beans that is) so here is the closest thing to a recipe I can give you...


    1 green pepper (sliced or diced, however you like it)

    1 onion (chopped up)

    1/2 pound of ground pork

    1/2 pound of ground beef (beef tips can be used for a textural change)

    2 cans of kidney beans (please strain the damn juice out, that shit ain't good eats)

    1 can of tomato paste

    1 can of tomato sauce

    1/2 bar of semi sweet chocolate (the higher quality the better)

    1-2 cups of brown sugar (this is to taste, you'll have to taste a few times)

    Chili powder (make your own if you can, if not that's cool, this is to taste as well, hotter the better in my opinion, not my wife's)

    Brown the meats, put everything else in a large pot, stir, add the meats when they are done browning and cook slowly for a long ass time. Taste often to get the mix of things right, add more chili powder if you want spicier add more brown sugar if you need to sweeten it. The key is to taste, make it taste how you want it to.

    Here it is...if you make it..post pics...I want to see if your chili is as awesome as mine....I'll post a pic the next time I make a batch btw.

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