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Posts posted by MinecraftAGgirl

  1. Sent by: MinecraftAGgirl

    Sent on: 25 January 2014 - 06:25 PM


    Minecraft Username MinecraftAGgirl<


    Why were you Punished? Using the old spawn to film a movie


    Who Punished you? I'm not sure



    Posted Information:

    I understand what Oli and I did was wrong and I am sorry.

  2. Name: Allison (A.K.A Ally)

    Age: 14 (15 on May 26th)

    What games do you play?: Minecraft, DayZ, Halo, Call of Duty, Pokemon, and MUCH more

    How did you find Abyssal Gaming?: I found it when I was searching for servers and when LDShadowLady made some videos about it and I saw the ip on her channel :)

    How long have you been here?: I can't remember it's been so long

    How often do you visit the website?: Every Day after School

    How often do you visit the server?: Every Day for 2 hours. Or for extra time on weekends

    Which server do you mainly play on?: LDShadowLady's Server is the one I play on

    What position are you applying for?: Moderator

    Why do you feel you'll be a good asset to us?: I love to help people and I'm on the server every day. I like to explain things to people when they need help or when they have a problem and I very very patient when it comes to problems

    Please list any experience you have in the position you are applying for: I help my dance teacher teach little kids and that takes alot of patience, I am always helping out various teachers at my high school and volunteer for many things :) I love to help people.

    Here's a video of Fred with Annoying Orange, Charlie the Unicorn and the DEADLY FINGER!