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Posts posted by Evil_Lemnz

  1. Hello guys, 


    i Just joined this server and i like it i found about this server because im moderator on another towny server and someone created a cracked account LDShadowLady and the other staff were talking about if this was the real Shadow lady well about me


    Male, 15, Australian, and i also play xbox 360 :D


    i read your rules and i have some plugin suggestions just for easier use


    Anti grief: i know you use log block but the is an easier/better plugin called coreprotect it logs everything and also allows you to see chest transactions and what a person has said if a staff member is offline and if a staff stuffs up a rollback you can undo it or it can be restored 



    Command watch (good for catching those advertisers who use /msg)

    Link: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/commandwatcher/


    rate of x ray (this plugins logs every ore found and gives them a x ray rate)

    Link: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/rate-xray/


    Thanks for reading this guys



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