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Posts posted by HardkillerIV

  1. Name: Robert R.

    Age: 22

    Location: Miami, FL

    What games do I play?: Minecraft, Team Fortress 2, Saints Row 3, Battlefield 3, Left 4 dead 2, this list can go on and on but mostly Minecraft.

    How did you find Abyssal Gaming?: Been here since 2G1M, stayed here ever since.

    How long have you been here?: Well i can't really name a specific amount but i remember i was here about 4 months before 2G1M was no longer affilated with us.

    How often do you visit the website?: Everyday

    How often do you visit the server?: Everyday i get on both the LD and ABGN public server. Sometimes on the Tekkit server.

    Which server do you mainly play on?: LDShadowLady

    What position are you applying for?: Moderator

    Why do you feel you would be a good asset to us?: I really pay attention to everything that goes on in the server and i have so far have 3 grief's caught and screenshots taken. I am on the server everyday and I help people deal with grief problems (such as tell them to report griefs and such) until a moderator is able to help them. I like keeping things under control and I am somewhat strict when someone does something they aren't supposed to be doing. Usually also settle some dilemma or pvp or language on the server when the mods aren't available sometimes.

    Please list any experience you have in the position you are applying for: Well for starters, i do have a lot of patience with people. I have helped many (or some) of the mods by catching griefing and I have even sometimes kept the server under control at times until a mod came on (sometimes on the public server now that the LD server is up.). I understand that this work requires much patience and much attention. I am on both server's a lot of the time and i have both patience and attention which could help in many cases. I have to mention I have also been a moderator on other minecraft servers for quite some time. Not big ones such as the LD server but it was at least a server of 20 people and i was very attentive to grief's, spam's, language, etc. I have seen how to handle mostly all situations and i have also seen how people are handled on the ABGN server's.

    Make us Laugh (joke, etc.): A couple of people are hunting out for animals in the woods when one of them falls to the floor. He doesn't seem to be breathing and his eyes are rolled back into his head. The other guy whips out his phone and calls the emergency services. He says to the operator in a screaming voice " My friend is dead, my friend is dead, what do I do! The operator in a smooth voice says" Just take it easy I can help. First, we have to make just he is actually dead before we go on." There is a silence and a gun shot is heard. The guy comes back on the line and says " OK, now what?

    If that doesn't make you laugh then say my first name in Spanish (Roberto) and pronounce it in English ... Rubber Toe. I hate it ...

    (The Edit's should be in a different colored text cause i had realized the application questions had changed.)

  2. I was on the LD server for a few minutes and someone can up to me saying he was griefed, then told me it if i could help which i couldn't cause i am not mod and i could not help so he kept on harassing me about it. Anyway right to the point, he had told me (admitted) that he had griefed a netherwart farm . Then he tells me that the person who griefed his house was the person he griefed (sorry if that was confusing). The username was rambi2222. After he SHOWS me the grief that he did i took some pictures. I'm not sure if he saw me or not but then he proceeded to put lava above my head and burn my items. HE killed me but i /home when he set me on fire with the lava.


    Sorry if you can't click on the link, just copy and paste it onto the address bar.


  3. (Re posted for Abyssal Gaming)

    Name: Robert Razuri

    Age: 22

    Location: Miami, FL

    What games do I play?: Minecraft, Team Fortress 2, Saints Row 3, Call of Duty, Battlefield 3, Left 4 dead 2, this list can go on and on but mostly Minecraft.

    How did you find Abyssal Gaming?: Been here before the incident, and was here ever since.

    What position are you applying for?: Moderator.

    Why do you feel you would be a good asset to us?: I really pay attention to everything that goes on in the server and i have so far have 3 grief's caught and screenshots taken. I am on the server mostly every single day and I think I would be a very good Moderator. I like keeping things under control and I am somewhat strict when someone does something they aren't supposed to be doing. Usually also settle some dilemma on the server when the mods aren't available sometimes.

    Please list any experience you have in the position you are applying for: Well my work does require lots of patience. I have helped many (or some) of the mods by catching griefing and I have even sometimes kept the server under control at times until a mod came on. I work as a technician so i guess that gives me the ability of patience and control with customers and such. That could help in the roll of a Moderator. I have to mention I have also been a moderator on other minecraft servers for quite some time. Not big ones such as the LD server but it was at least a server of 20 people and i was very attentive to grief's, spam's, etc. if i do say so myself. I have seen hows Moderator's handle certain situations and i have gotten quite the hang of it and know pretty much to do since then.

    Make us Laugh (joke, etc.): A couple of people are hunting out for animals in the woods when one of them falls to the floor. He doesn't seem to be breathing and his eyes are rolled back into his head. The other guy whips out his phone and calls the emergency services. He says to the operator in a screaming voice " My friend is dead, my friend is dead, what do I do! The operator in a smooth voice says" Just take it easy I can help. First, we have to make just he is actually dead before we go on." There is a silence and a gun shot is heard. The guy comes back on the line and says " OK, now what?

    If that doesn't make you laugh then say my first name in Spanish (Roberto) and pronounce it in English ... Rubber Toe

  4. How about this one y'all! Cyriak has some really messed up stuff, but its all good.

    (cant quite figure out how to post the vidoes on here. I thought I had it just by posting the link, like I did on the thread I started, but apparently it wont work here. Can someone explain please? Thanks!)

    Sal what did i just watch O.o

    Here's another one