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Posts posted by forrest40pf

  1. Shadow has 2 questions:

    Does Ms. Mcguillicuty know you video tape her?

    What if she saw Strays?

    Also continue video taping her and the cat antics either way


    1) No, she doesn't. Unless she is using her feline witchcraft. Or if she has the freakish ability to peer through blinds in broad daylight.

    2) If she saw Strays, I'm sure she'd love them and show them to all of her kitty minions. Or she would take me to court.

    3) I will keep recording as long as the cat antics continue and the series remains somewhat entertaining!

    Thanks for watching, friend!

  2. Here are the first few videos in the "Celestian Tours" series. Garon and I started in the city of New Celestia that we created on the Yogscast whitelist server, showing some of the things we had built. We will be continuing this series soon with structures built on the Abyssal servers. Enjoy!


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  3. The following is some additional Celestian lore, specifically about my Minecraft character and the Last Night.



    (Art created by my good friend Moonie from the old Yogscast community)

    Name: Sir Jameson Almsteadt

    Gender: Male

    Race: Celestian

    Age: 30

    Occupation: Cobalt Warden

    Relationships to other Characters:

    Jameson was recently reunited with his old Celestian friends and fellow survivors; the Cobalt Wardens Garon, Tybalt, and a scout nicknamed “Five”. Together, they have formed the Order of the Moon.


    1) Defending the world against the forces of evil.

    2) Helping to rebuild a new city of Celestia, to honor the memory of his fallen countrymen/women

    3) Courageously confronting all tests Lady Moon has in store for him, proving to his goddess that citizens of Celestia still stand tall.


    His pale blue eyes catch your attention first. They sparkle with a touch of mischief, easily accented by the grin that often flashes across his lips. His hair is naturally a vivid blue, worn in a spiked fashion. His clean-cut mustache and goatee are equally as blue. His solid 6’1 frame is encased in a suit of steel scale armor, the metal clearly tarnished from heavy wear. A long, white tunic is buckled over his armor, depicting a crescent moon on the front and a full moon on the back. He wears a necklace around his neck, fixed with a silvery crescent pendant. The pendant itself is surrounded by four small chunks of shining glowstone, two on one side and two on the other. Even when relaxed, something about his posture tells you he is prepared to spring into action at any given moment.


    Jameson Almsteadt was born the son of a wealthy wool merchant. Jameson’s father owned a successful shop named “Almsteadt’s Textiles” in Diamond Row, the primary trade district in the capital city of Celestia. He was also a major exporter of wool to distant nations such as Icaria and Faldarin. Even at the young age of 8, Jameson began helping out in his father’s shop, carrying blocks of dyed wool from storage to the display tables. In his early teens, he took more direct control over the sales operations of the shop (along with his mother). It was around this time that he met his childhood friend and future fiancé, a girl named Alasha.

    Jameson joined the Celestian military and went into training when he turned 18. He was assigned to a platoon that spent the better part of four years patrolling the kingdom, ensuring that the smaller Celestian settlements were defended from monsters during the dangerous nights. Jameson’s heroic exploits during these tours caught the attention of the Cobalt Wardens.

    The Wardens were an elite organization outside of the Celestian armed forces, handing situations that required additional combat specialization or stealth. One of the Wardens, Lady Asher, approached the 22-year-old Jameson one evening and offered him an apprenticeship. Jameson accepted and began his long and rigorous training. Under the guidance of Lady Asher, he participated in many secret missions; some involving distant journeys to other nations throughout the world.

    At the age of 25, Lady Asher deemed Jameson ready to participate in his ‘Rite’. The Rite was a trial that apprentices were required to pass before becoming full-fledged Cobalt Wardens. If an apprentice was deemed worthy of performing his or her Rite, they were led early in the evening to a hidden chamber far below the Warden headquarters. The iron door to the chamber, normally sealed shut and guarded, would be opened, revealing the foreboding Nether portal within. A ritual praising Lady Moon would begin and the moment the moon showed itself in the night sky, the apprentice would step foot through the portal into the Nether. They were then charged, as an ultimate test of Lady Moon, to search for four chunks of glowstone. Only after recovering them could they return to their world as a Cobalt Warden. If they returned without the glowstone, they were forever expelled from the order. As could be imagined, there were a large number of apprentices who never returned at all.

    Jameson chose to accept his Rite. As a promise that he would return alive, he proposed to Alasha and she accepted. Then, as the moon rose, Jameson entered the Nether. The next nine hours were a nightmare made reality. Sheets of lava fell from the darkness, surging into vast molten lakes banked by blood red rock. Ghastly fiends haunted him, firing gouts of flame that blasted the surrounding land to dust. Their gibbering cries followed him no matter where he went, threatening to drive him insane. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he found the glowstone that he was searching for.

    But upon returning to Celestia, Jameson was greeted by something even worse than the Nether. As fate would have it, while he was performing his Rite, the Last Night had raged across the city. The sun was rising on the horizon by the time Jameson reached the streets. Masses of undead stumbled about, wreathed in flames brought forth by the solar light. But the city was already a crumbled ruin.

    Now a newly initiated Cobalt Warden, Jameson unsheathed his sword and joined his brothers and sisters in battle…even though he still felt exhausted from his Rite. His blade bit into many a creeper, but they continued flooding forth, hissing and exploding all around him. The desperate fight lasted for nearly an hour. Buildings were shattered before his very eyes in massive showers of stone and dust. More and more of his comrades were slain by the green terrors as the minutes pressed on. Jameson dodged left and right, leaping away from blasts and falling debris alike, his weapon carving into creepers that got too close. He whirled around just in time to see his mentor, Lady Asher, fall to her death. The state of the city was clearly getting dramatically worse by the second.

    In a wave of panic, Jameson bolted down the street towards Diamond Row with the intention of searching for Alasha and his parents. To his horror, his parents’ apartment and shop were both in shambles with no sign of survivors. Jameson found Alasha in her home, dying from a fatal wound. Unable to hold on, she passed away in his arms. As a reminder of her, Jameson gently took the crescent pendant from her neck, a piece of jewelry she had cherished since she was a child.

    Tears stinging his eyes, Jameson fought his way through creepers to the nearby harbor. He luckily found a medium sized sailboat that was still in decent condition. He scrambled onboard and set sail. As he drifted further away from the dock, his eyes remained locked on Celestia. Thick black smoke coiled up from her wounds, her walls and buildings a broken reminder of what they once were. Even the glowing towers of the Lunar Council, which had once dominated the skyline, were no longer standing. Countless memories flickered through Jameson’s mind at once; Alasha…his parents…his friends.


    "Though the demise of our people weighs heavily on my heart, knowing that there are Celestian survivors out there has given me a renewed sense of hope. We must constantly be on the lookout for other Celestians...for surely we are not the only ones left alive in this world. We can no longer turn to the wisdom of the Lunar Council, as they have been destroyed along with our fair kingdom. Thus, we have formed the Order of the Moon to bind the remaining Celestians together. To give us a purpose! We as a people failed the greatest test Lady Moon has ever given us...and we paid dearly for it. But we must learn from our mistakes! We must grow ever stronger...TOGETHER! Together, we shall stand firm under the light of Lady Moon and emerge victorious into the dawn! Together, a new Celestia shall rise from the ashes and prosper far into the future! Do not despair, my friends. Have hope, as I do now! We, the Order of the Moon, SHALL SURVIVE!"

    -Sir Jameson Almsteadt

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  4. Some of you may have heard about Celestia from Garon or myself. The idea originated over a year ago back when we played on the Yogscast Minecraft whitelist servers. We developed the lore and it has stuck with us ever since. So I figured I'd drop some of it here for you all to look over at your leisure (if you were interested).


    Far across a vast and stormy ocean stood the secluded kingdom of Celestia. It was a heavily forested land that was dotted with small hamlets and individual homesteads. However, the majority of the population was concentrated in the kingdom's capital, a city also named ‘Celestia’. It was a majestic metropolis, to say the least. Smooth silver pathways meandered through verdant, fountained courtyards. Arching buildings of both stone and wood hung over bustling streets, lit by intricately crafted lamps. Palaces carved of sandstone rose over busy marketplaces, draped with tapestries in nearly every color imaginable.

    Celestia was easy to find on the skyline. The city's most noticeable landmark was a ring of towers, spiraling up from its center. They soared high into the heavens, shining like beacons through the darkest of nights. Even if an adventurer journeyed far from Celestia’s ivory walls, their eyes would still see the spires shimmering on the horizon. The towers were etched from a mysterious, luminous material known as glowstone and served as a headquarters for the ruling body of Celestia, the Lunar Council.

    The Lunar Council consisted of thirteen wise sages who ruled Celestia with temperance, virtue, and altruism. It was even rumored amongst the people that the members of the Lunar Council were powerful in the arts of magic, though this was never publicly proven.

    In its last one hundred years, Celestia experienced a golden age, despite the constant threat of skeletons, zombies, and creepers. Early Celestian history was rife with death at the hands of the devilish monsters. But slowly as the ages passed, the Celestians became more battle-hardened and more proficient at holding the creatures at bay. This was most likely because of the tenacity of their faith.

    The Celestians had a unique view of theology. Like most denizens, they believed that the world was created by the mighty Notch (and they praised him accordingly). But the central focus of Celestian worship was aimed at the moon. In Celestian temples, it was taught that ‘Lady Moon’, sibling of Lord Sun, was the daughter of Notch. It was said that Lady Moon had blessed the Celestians from their beginnings as a people and continued to constantly watch over them throughout the ages. Blue colored hair, a natural trait commonly found amongst Celestians, was attributed to Lady Moon’s blessing.

    Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the Celestian faith was their belief that the monsters stalking the darkness were created by Lady Moon. It was taught that Lady Moon herself released these horrible creatures into the world each night in order to test the Celestians. Not out of malice…but to ensure that Her people were strong enough to face any hardship they encountered throughout their lives. To keep them humble and remind them that they were indeed mortal. To show them that only by working together could their people survive the countless nights ahead. It was at the height of Celestia’s prosperity (roughly 5 years ago) that the ‘Final Night’ came…and suddenly brought the kingdom to its knees.

    The night had begun like any other night. Unorganized groups of monsters shambled towards the walls of Celestia, and were easily taken out by the city’s archers. By midnight, the lunar priests had already offered up their praises to Lady Moon for Her nightly test. But their prayers were premature. Celestian scouts arrived at the city gates, their eyes widened like madmen. Badly injured and shaken beyond belief, the scouts raved about an army of monsters the size of which had never been seen in Celestia’s history. They reported that the kingdom’s outlying villages were already lost, utterly destroyed by the horde of fiends as they rapidly closed in on the capital.

    The bells sounded out across the city and the entirety of Celestia's soldiers were stationed for the ensuing battle. Even the Cobalt Wardens, the kingdom's elite regiment of knights and assassins, were called to the front lines. But no amount of anticipation could have prepared the city for the nightmare that stormed towards it. All around the walls, as far as the eye could see, an ocean of creepers surged ever closer, their black mouths silently shrieking. They were followed by an even larger wave of the undead. The archers let loose a stream of arrows that downed many of the fiends, but the others simply kept coming, hopping and stumbling over their fallen.

    The deafening sounds of explosions ripped through the air as creepers breached the walls from all angles. Celestian troops met the monsters on the streets of the city and put up a valiant fight that lasted all the way to sunrise. Even the Lunar Council had appeared to join the battle. Some claim that they wielded their mystical powers for all to see. But it was not enough to save their lives.

    The Celestians had already suffered heavy losses by the time the sun came up, and they were given a brief respite when the sun's rays reduced nearly all of the undead attackers to ash. But the damage was done. Countless creepers had already reduced major parts of the city to rubble and more were on the way. The casualties were all-encompassing and the once great city of Celestia was no more.

    It is widely believed that there were no survivors of the Final Night. That after hundreds of years, the Celestians had finally failed Lady Moon's last test. However, there have recently been whispered rumors of Celestian appearances across the globe. One such rumor speaks of a few Cobalt Wardens that have formed an organization called the Order of the Moon, with hopes of finding and recruiting other Celestian refugees.

    It is said that they intend to rebuild a New Celestia, to be the home of not only surviving Celestians...but of other nationalities as well.

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  5. A verse about Secret of Mana, an RPG originally for the SNES:


    Representin Potos, searched for treasure to take

    With my friends...on the log I slipped and fell in a lake

    I heard the echo, "Take the sword from the stone"

    So I did, but didn't know I'd unleash the unknown

    Little yellow things called rabites attacked my town

    And with the aid of Jema, I put that giant ant down

    Since I saved everyone, you'd think they'd punish me mild

    But instead of gettin smiles, I got fuckin exiled

    Energize the Mana Sword, that's my task at hand

    And maybe then, I'll be strong enough to save the land

    With the help of a Sprite, got some magic to chuck

    at the schmucks.

    I got that bitch that's searchin for Dyluck

    Look out, here comes the Empire, unsealin the seeds

    To unearth the Mana Fortress for their own dark needs

    So they control the cosmos, but little do they know

    That they're all manipulated by Thanatos

    Flyin on Flammie to go and find the Tree

    But Thanatos intercepted and destroyed it, you see

    Soon the Mana Beast's power is going to unfurl

    To combat the Mana Fortress and destroy the world

    But my companions and I, we fought that thing in the sky

    And I reluctantly killed the Beast with a sigh

    Though the Sprite's now gone, I see how much we've grown

    And with my task complete, I put the sword in the stone.

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  6. Rap, Rated G:

    Riding high self esteem all through the town

    At my last birfday party, hired Chuckles the Clown

    He had the crowd chortling from morning to noon

    And before he left he made a red poodle balloon

    This rap is rated G, as you all can see

    Flux capacitor, flash to 1983

    Back when I was kid and I was watchin He-Man

    Four years before the Turtles beat up the Foot Clan

    When you sneeze, be sure to cover your mouth please

    Because we don't all need to be gettin your cooties

    Use "ma'am" and "sir" when you're addressing elders

    And get sufficient training before becoming welders

    A word of advice, for all the little kiddies:

    Please learn your alphabet and learn how to read

    Like A B C D E F G


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  7. Zeldas Twin....you must call her. SHIEK!

    Perfect!!! Hoping I can continue this in some way, shape, or form. We'll see!