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Posts posted by NamirHunting

  1. It won't be good bye if you can prove yourself with the public server. Prove yourself there and as Gunta said, you can return to the server

  2. Shadow has 2 questions:

    Does Ms. Mcguillicuty know you video tape her?

    What if she saw Strays?

    Also continue video taping her and the cat antics either way


    1 person likes this

  3. I haven't really been following them. The sims games don't seem that bad, but they were made years ago, and apparently it's been getting worse. So perhaps they should just go back to the basics? Start a new and than carefully tread a new path?

  4. I think it's legs should bend more realisticly like an animal. I see the legs and it looks like unnatural. *shudder*