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Posts posted by Salbastro

  1. Hey all! Skylands Adventure is back, this time with Aliaranel, PhantomKGB, and Abyssial Affiliate Scurvy D of 40PF! This episode kicks off the next series of guests we'll be having, so look forward to seeing this guys again! Enjoy!

  2. Alright guys and gals, here's another (somewhat) exciting part of my failures in Curly Story. And here's some special info, just for you all here: It took me 3 tries to record this video. I died so many times the other two that I made no progress and I didn't really want to cut anything out! I was literally dying nonstop for an hour straight before I managed to get this done! Now then: Enjoy!

  3. And now for something not Minecraft related. Here's my latest video, Curly Story Episode 11!

    For those of you who don't know, Curly Story is a game mode in Cave Story+ (available on steam for dirt cheap) That you unlock after finding Curly Brace's Panties. In Curly Story, the roles of Curly and Quote are reversed, meaning you play as Curly Brace, who actually talks to the other characters, and the supporting character is Quote. Other than that, the story is the same. Home you all enjoy!

  4. Sal what did i just watch O.o

    Here's another one

    Cyriak, and it looks like Tarquin is a fan of his

    Anyway, time for some Rubberfruit.

  5. How about this one y'all! Cyriak has some really messed up stuff, but its all good.

    (cant quite figure out how to post the vidoes on here. I thought I had it just by posting the link, like I did on the thread I started, but apparently it wont work here. Can someone explain please? Thanks!)

  6. Here's a haiku on Dead Space 2

    Dead brought back to life

    Engineer stands against them

    Searching for answers


    I figured I'd post pics with my haiku, since they are meant to produce an image. If people mind, I'll stop though.

    1 person likes this

  7. Alright, so, I have a proposition for all the Premium and VIP members of this community, as well as all the Moderators, Agents, and Tarquin.

    On my channel my friend Froman and I have a Minecraft adventure series called Skylands Adventure, in which we explore a very, very old map. The main idea behind this series was to try and get other youtubers and minecrafters on to play with us, since most of the fun of minecraft is playing with others, and so far we've been joined by MinecraftMouse, and fun was had by all.

    So, the proposition is this: Send me a message telling me you're interested in joining us for a few episodes (we record episodes in bulk, so it would just be one session) as well as your skype contact info, since that's what we use for the voice chat.

    For those interested who have their own youtube channels and want to come one with us, feel free to record your own POV and post it on your channel, as long as you post a link to our series.

    I really look forward to having a lot of you in the series with us, so yea!

  8. Hey all! I just thought that I'd drop a link to my youtube channel here, so here it is:


    We are the Experience Gamers, and we would love for you guys to subscribe and join us!

    We have a Steam group by the same name, so look us up, its free to join!

    And remember, gaming should always be an experience

    (we could use help with a slogan :D)