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I'll start from the top. I was jailed unfairly for breaking 2 glass panes while trying to retrieve my items that were stolen from me. That's all. I was going to replace them afterwards but got sidetracked. A warning would suffice I didn't really see it as greifing, as I stole no items. I was trying to see about my stolen Items. I announced my items were stolen and asked who did it. I got no reply from either, Mods or other players. My house was greifed and my Items were taken from me. Diamond, Iron and Iron armor among them. I went to the closest house to me to see if they had my Items but his chests were locked. My chests were not but there is a no stealing rule which applies regardless so this is not my fault. The person who greifed my house was not caught and named. I would like to know who it is and where my Items are.

That being said, I feel I am being bullied by moderators and unfairly treated. I understand that I was jailed for greifing but my appeal should not have been deinied.

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First of all, I am sorry that items were stolen from you and that no one responded when you raised concerns on the server chat.

You may not have known, but we do have a report system at www.abgn.net/report for situations like that, when you have an issue and there is no one available to answer your question.

But aside from that, that does not give you the power to assume you know who did it and break into a users house with the intention of stealing items back.

A grief is bad enough, but you went in with the intention of stealing from someone else, you should be fortunate the punishment is as lenient as it is.

Griefing is not just stealing items, but anything that causes grief to another player, such as breaking builds that aren't yours, for ANY reason.

Unfortunately, for the stolen items, there's no way to see who accesses a chest, but next time, rather than doing /unlock, do /cmodify (friend's name) if you want to add a friend to have the ability to access a chest.

I'm sorry that you feel bullied, but the staff works very hard to be just and fair, and breaking into another user's house is unfair and had to be dealt with.

Please in the future, when your sentence is up, do not take actions like that into your own hands, and if no mods are around to help, please make a report at www.abgn.net/report

Hope to see on the server soon and hope that after this you will ensure that you don't do anything to receive further punishment.

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