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Posts posted by StevieDarling

  1. ...To be fair, she logged on in the middle of pandemonium-- I was watching Tarquin spawn creepers riding spiders & endermen wearing spiders for hats. ;)

    But the chaos continued with mobs of players (over 60 on the server and a whole lot with us on TeamSpeak!) running around with her all over Argenta and Arcania. There were My Little Ponies fishing in the fountain, we were playing Hide & Go Seek, and everyone had to try and sit on Tarquin's throne. Unfortunately the update-related lag caused a lot of people to have Steve skins, but still, a fun time was had by all. :D










  2. Since the 1.3 update, Loki's been going around setting tripwires for everyone. When I found one in my house, I decided to cover his airship in lava. In return, he rigged up lava booby-traps all over my house. The bottom two pictures were his works of art-- lava dispensers hooked up to the lights, so they went off when the switch was flipped.

    Regular players, don't try this at home. ;)





  3. You had your chance at an appeal. Actually, you had about 10 chances. It's a shame that banning you was the only way you got the message. Getting around your ban by creating another account does not score you any points. Good luck on whatever servers you join in the future. I hope this was a learning experience.

  4. Wow. I am astounded at your continuing behavior. You are now permanently muted and jailed. I will no longer attempt to explain this to you because I pointed you to our rules, quoted specific ones in my post, gave you many warnings, and you blatantly went against both the rules and my instructions. I'm sorry you let it come to this. You may still play on our main and creative servers. If you have a change of heart and attitude in a few weeks, you can re-appeal your sentence here.

    And SeaWaffles22 is not a mod and does not work for Abyssal Gaming Network. If you are being harassed by another player, the correct channel is to report on abgn.net/report




  5. It even shows that i did answer you question in the first one -.-

    THIS is the wrong answer. You can take some time and think about why you've been muted and try again when you're ready.

    I understand if you didn't understand the situation or why I was asking you the questions related to your town, but if you had just focused and answered whether or not he was a member of your town, it would have been sorted by now, and we would both be much happier. It's OK to respectfully ask for clarification if you're not understanding something, but if a mod tells you to stand still, focus, stop running away, do it. You made a very poor choice responding with shouting and disrespect.

  6. Catslife33, you have been muted because you violated our first rule (found at abgn.net/rules): “1. I will not be rude to moderators or admins.” By continuing to argue with me, you violated rule 9 as well: “9. A mod/admins decision is final, if you choose to dispute an issue, submit it through the website. Do not back talk or attempt to appeal it on the server, as it will be seen as instigating and causing trouble. Any staff member about the issue or to appeal a ban. Submit a report through the website.”

    I understand it is a frustrating situation when another player has wronged you, but the staff are here to help. However, I didn’t intend to be on all day repeatedly telling you to stop what you were doing for a minute and respond to my questions. If you didn’t understand the questions, I would have been fully willing to work with you and rephrase them until we had a meeting of minds. I asked you four times to listen and stop running around, and then I warned you if you did it one more time, I would jail you so you could focus and give me the answers I needed to solve your problem. I muted you when you decided to shout at me. I have attached screenshots for reference.

    The reason I kept asking you the simple question, “Was he a member of your town at the time of the incident” (to which I never got a reply) is because it turns out your situation was a town issue—rule one of Town Specific Rules: “1. There is no griefing in towns, we will not punish members for destroying your house or taking items within your town. We can advise who did it, but that is as far as it goes.” For this reason, I retrieved the stolen items from ssg6946, returned them to you, and unjailed him. Your attitude made me not want to help you further, though. If ssg6946 was already kicked from your town when he griefed you a second time once I left, please report it at abgn.net/report with a detailed description of what happened and screenshots if possible. If he was a member of the town, it was a town issue, and you had enough notice about his character that he should have been kicked immediately. Your attitude toward my attempts to help you made me not want to stick around and continue to do so.

    Please familiarize yourself with the complete rules, and be advised that not responding to moderators, and especially having an attitude toward them, isn’t in your best interest. Please think on this and post a sincere apology here, and you will be unmuted.




  7. Ok, back when the server started, anyone found guilty of griefing was banned immediately without any further warning. We have ways of investigating griefs and tracing damage back to the person who did it, so you clearly did something wrong. We don't ban without reason. Please familiarize yourself with our rules, found here: http://www.abgn.net/rules

    I spoke with our admin, and he will allow you to play again if you show remorse and post a sincere apology here. However, you should know that we have reset the map in the time you were gone. Your house is gone along with the old map, but the good news is you will be able to start fresh and not worry that you will log on to find a griefed house. We hope to hear your reply soon. :)

  8. Ohai! Sorry, don't know how I missed this (maybe cause I haven't been on so much :3)...

    Well, mostly I've been having massive computer problems that made it nearly impossible for me to play, which have *hopefully* been sorted now. I also had a busy few weeks working at festivals, including camping out at one for 6 days with no computer, patchy 3G service at best, and no showers half the time! Aaaand in the last month I started dating this REALLY AMAZING guy and my head's sort of been floating above block limit 255 since then. ^.^

    Sowwee! I've missed playing and being active on the forums like I was & intend to be around more from now on. :D

  9. Umm.. well, since I put all my music back on my computer (yeah, I know, there's no helping me!) there is some noticable lag, but that's with post-update lag & nothing like how it was before I restored my OS. I am certain things will be better now. ^.^

    And I REALLY can't stand playing without Misa's!

  10. Today I got around to finishing fixing my computer (mostly) and reinstalled my mods & texture packs. Aganist all rational advice, I went back to my Misa's Realistic HD texture pack just to see, because it's been so long-- Aaaaaaand..........

    The update now includes CLOVERS in the grass and TWO DIFFERENT SIZES per mushroom!!!!!!!!!


    It's SOOOOO worth it!

    Come on, just try & talk me out of Misa's I dare you. :P


