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Everything posted by graymansnel

  1. First Pro pic from my fav game! YAY!

  2. First Pro pic from my fav game! YAY!

  3. The Reset (SPOLIR ALEART)

    Ok So today was he Big Day.. Thanks Tarquin.. Today was the day of the Reset...At first i was kinda.. like.. uggg... Well then Spawn is this little cave with stone walls.. im leaveing.. and then i was like. WAIT A FREE BOOK! i read it and began the journey.. It was.. Ok.. i guess.. I really kinda like the little house and tree thing.. (BTW i closed the door to that.. ya know prevent creepers... more on that later) And The Entire quiz like help thing was kool.. But the stone walls where REALLY getting to me.. I like the set up at the end.. with the Staff Only place thing.. but.. idk maybe im being too picky.. Yes i have built a spawn once or twice.. Once i gt out of the Help area.. my jaw dropped.. i mean WOW Mikket.. NICE! The walls where EXCLENT i LOVED THEM... The house where nice a lot of order it was like a mini argentina or something i really did like it a lot.. after searching around some i found the jail witch was also KILLER and then the lava lake. (Witch i swam up and found the throne.. Checkmate..) I think i was the first to fall down the hole.. (Sorry Gunta...) Then i started out i /Tpa-ed to David (he was close to where i wanted to be..) and started to get a pick so i could have fun in spawn (no not giref i knew it was protected..) ( i hope this next part is ok i just kinda wanted to mess around some.. ) I went back to spawn and went to the Help area.. I first got the books i couldwnt have (hee Hee) I read one and soon found out all the secrets to ABGM|N (yeah i wish.. i did find out that SVP was on.. Thats Staff Vs. Players) and Then started to check the walls to see where abouts i was.. I closed the door to the house.. (as i said above) and then went out to walk around and see if i could find any shops tat i could open.. 9 i didnt) i ended up just truning on the lights to the Theatera and then leaveing.. and tat how i started out in the new map.. Please dont kill me.. lol My Plans for my town.. 1 Libary Thats able to store books in its book shelvs (long story on how to do it its vinnalla and easy) 2 a Non FreZZer Town (this meaning all of you can join YAY! 3 Farms of all kinds.. Wheet mob Coca melon Pumpkin Grass ect. 4 A tempary stay hotel (i have one in hardcore No one ever finds me so no one ever gets to use it ) 5 Plots that are like 20X20? Maybe? 6 Secrets (liek in argentina and argenta) (yes there where some in the old town) 7 My house.. 8 My Base.. and more to come.. I usaly set up on a island.. But i might try regular land.. Hmm I shall try to upload pics but i usaly fail at this.. The first pic it a pic of a ENTIRE forsest full of floating trees.. i hate that.. the next is the throne.. And that all i have now.. Post pics and Storys of what you did and are going to do in the new map.. down below in the comments.. Also dont make a town right away.. PLEASE wait til you have everything set up (like make the town) THAN set it as a town it looks a WHOLE lot better.. Thanks for reading this and have a nice time on the new map!
  4. The Reset (SPOLIR ALEART)

    Yes,,, yes it is...
  5. Flashbacks! (Retro Gaming Series)

    Also if your wondering I am currently playing Chrono Trigger on my Mac ITS GREAT
  6. Flashbacks! (Retro Gaming Series)

    I love that song.. Its great. and No im not to young to remember im more of a Retro Gamer myself.. I will LOVE this seris also http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/f08d/ Think geek has the NES N64 and what looks liek a Famicon controller for the.. Wii? Anyway if you ick this u you should be set.. Just PLEASE dont get one that WAS a REAL SNES controller.. that was WASTED and truned in to a USB controller.. I HATE That I also hate this keyboard..
  7. "TrailBlaze"

    Just saying when this comes out for Download.. I WANT IT!
  8. Google Announces Project Glass Wearable HUD

    Lik thats not right.. Your life must suck.. Fun or Air o idk KNOWLAGE is the most important thin g inj life.. i cant tye right now so i wont rant.. but i REALLY want to..
  9. Raiding Tarquin's Lab

    I've been in there multiple times.. I don't see what the big deal is... Tarquins Kool and kinda secretive but he's not mean and at the same time isn't playful... I may be new.. But I've done a lot on this server... (IE been in the lab inside manitance of the power station turned sectors on and off from there on top of castles ect.) I find it fun to mess around with ended pearl and my knowledge of protection tricks (No not hacks and not grief.. All with in the rules.. I think/hope) but really the lab isn't anything special.. I mean my base or oh ponds town was better I just can't wait to see what happens to the server once 1.3 comes out (new map bigger map less restrictions more shops more PL hunger games IDK and I CAN'T WAIT)
  10. Weird glitch

    Why where you breaking spawners anyway.. thats stewpid... turn them into GRINDERS its easy..