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Posts posted by Twitch_xk90

  1. Hello All, I have finished planning what maps I'm going to Record for "Season 2" HOWEVER I have 15 Maps our of 20. HOWEVER.....CO-OP TEST CHAMBERS CAN NOW BE MADE! so I'm looking for 5 CO-OP Maps for the final 5 Episodes of "Season 2"

  2. After talking this over with the rest of the staff I have learnt that spamming isn't your only offense and that you "used a hacked client to destroy the Tekkit server world."

    So you ban WILL NOT be over turned.

  3. I have had quite enough of all this. I (Like all the other staff and the Admin) have seen the logs and heard the stories and your ban was down to the highest authority. Yet you still keep yelling about how the server is run and how the mods are! It's an outrage to both the staff that VOLUNTEER there time and the Admin who spends his time and money maintaining the server. Not only do you keep on disrespecting all of us but you are acting like a spoiled child that isn't getting there own way. One post you are apologizing for how you have acted. Then you make a new topic slamming the staff.

    In response I am LOCKING this thread.

    PS. I am normally the calm collected one, so think about that!

    8 people like this

  4. Hello all, Twitch here.

    Have you been watching "Test Twitch" the Portal 2 show where I test YOUR Portal 2 Maps? If the answer is yes then this may interest you. If you have a Test Chamber that you would like me to play though and record this is the place to do so. Here is how:

    1. Make a Chamber.
    2. Publish your Chamber.
    3. Log into Steam on https://store.steampowered.com/login/
    4. Go to your Profile.
    5. Click on Workshop on the right side.
    6. Click the Chamber you wish me to play.
    7. Copy and Paste the link below.


  5. Hello All, Twitch here!

    Today I have decided to make a new show. A show that involves YOU! If you are unaware Portal 2's latest DLC let's players make there own Test Chambers. With this in mind, I have decided to put together a show where I will play though custom chambers that I want YOU to make. YES YOU!

    I want you guys to create as many challenging and fun chambers as you want. Once done. Publish them and I'll give them ago. So feel free to make the most complexed puzzles you can think of.

    All you have to do is. Make a map, Publish it, and then add Twitch xk90 on steam. I'll take care of the rest! It's that simple.

    Happy Crafting!


    PS: All submissions must be done by May 25th!