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Posts posted by Arkihiro

  1. I would really hate my month of work to be gone . I build my town all by my self . I found and place every block ,hunted ,and transported animals across the map to my home away from home in my peaceful town. If we do have a reset then all of my hours and work I spend building would be gone I hate seeing all my effort to be erase without a trace.

    I admit i would like a reset because of all the geift and collected all the good resources close to my town but i don't want to lose all the stuff i collected and made spending hours of pain staking work to make. This Reset will majorly effect the player who been on this server for awhile and made so many beautiful creations in this map .those who are new wouldn't be effected as much because they haven't spend tireless hours of collecting and building up there own place they call home. a lot of people who been building in this server have many strong feeling towards there creations and I think if the reset was gonna proceed a lot of older player would quit because a reset is just like joining a new server why would people come back after they lost everything they gathered.

    Bored is part of our human nature humans will always get bored of old things that why we always try to kill our bored with new task to keep our minds busy so the excuse of people saying there bored of the old map would say the same thing after few weeks of playing on the new map . I don't see why we need to destroy all that we created why not expand or modify what we have now it will take less work then starting from scratch.

    so what I choose is not to reset the map I don't wanna lose all that i created just because people are bored of the old. If the map reset I think ill just join another server because i bet this is not gonna be the only time we are gonna reset the map it just gonna be reset over and over and the hour and hours of work I and many player have put into would be gone. tarquin said that we able to at least keep a player inventory a items before we reset but i think that to small amount of items we can keep with us before the reset specially all the time people spend gathering all the materials and animals they collected for there own place.

    So Plz Decide Carefully guys not just u will be effected by this reset. Think carefully before you guys vote for the reset.

    i personal hate it when people only think about them without thinking about others.

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