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Posts posted by Metroidfan15

  1. Hey Everyone!


    If you have been around for awhile you were probably used to seeing me on and around the server.  Due to me starting University and playing University sports I found I was too busy for any Minecraft.  But due to a recent inspiration I have decided to pickup the game once again! 


    I look forward to seeing you all online!





  2. So your saying if I organize a good group of record less players that are willing to do some wandering to help improve the server that you would support us?

    So would that we report all sorts of grief related things and you as well as mods/management would deal with it?

  3. Also, one thing that could be done would be just following the system is this now, but having some sort of a reward for participating in the cleanup.

    I'm not sure how it could work, but people are always more willing to participate if it is some sort of a game with a reward.

    Getting rid of anything that is found that is owned by people that haven't been on in 3+ months is probably abandoned, same with anything that was built or left by people banned from the server.

    As a way of ensuring that the cleanup activity isn't taken advantage of to distribute more grief to te community you could start some sort of a new rank that identifies established members on the server. OR put up some sort of an application to ensure that people who are actually serious about the cleanup participate and that random players just don't wander the landscape wrecking things.

  4. That's what I thought would be said, yeah I might just go on a bit of an exploration and report a bunch of abandoned things / grief / abandoned doors and chests maybe try to help get the server a bit nicer to look at, if I do attempt to organize anything I'll be sure to let you (Tarquin) or another Managment member (probably LaztChantz) that I was to do anything

  5. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has noticed all the random and broken structures around the server and I think it would be nice if everyone could dedicate a weekend maybe to cleaning the server. If we were to pull this off we would need Moderator/Management support since the normal player is incapable of deleting doors/chests.

    Of course this would have to be done carefully to ensure no actual buildings in use were to be destroyed.

    Anyone have any thoughts?