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Posts posted by Jedmond

  1. I'll start from the top. I was jailed unfairly for breaking 2 glass panes while trying to retrieve my items that were stolen from me. That's all. I was going to replace them afterwards but got sidetracked. A warning would suffice I didn't really see it as greifing, as I stole no items. I was trying to see about my stolen Items. I announced my items were stolen and asked who did it. I got no reply from either, Mods or other players. My house was greifed and my Items were taken from me. Diamond, Iron and Iron armor among them. I went to the closest house to me to see if they had my Items but his chests were locked. My chests were not but there is a no stealing rule which applies regardless so this is not my fault. The person who greifed my house was not caught and named. I would like to know who it is and where my Items are.

    That being said, I feel I am being bullied by moderators and unfairly treated. I understand that I was jailed for greifing but my appeal should not have been deinied.

  2. I broke the glass because some of my resources were stolen (I announced that my diamonds and Iron were stolen when I found out) and I wanted to see if he had what I was missing because it was the closest house to me. Someone had broken into my house and stolen from my chests I just assumed it was the closest house to me. I had the chests unlocked for another user but he didn't take the resources because my house was broken into. I was planning on replacing the glass. And I got sidetracked and while I was mining I got jailed.

    Things stolen from me: Multiple stacks of coal, over 64 Iron, 3 diamonds, Armor and others that I can't recall right now.

  3. Sent by: Jedmond

    Sent on: 06 June 2013 - 11:03 AM

    Minecraft Username Jedmond

    Why were you Punished? I don't know

    Who Punished you? I don't know

    Posted Information:

    Hi, my username is Jedmond and I was playing in the LDShadowLady server Thursday June 6th around 2-3pm AEST and I was mining when I got Jailed for no reason. I don't mind spending time in Jail if I have done something wrong. But I would like to know why I am there. Please help me.