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Status Updates posted by forrest40pf

  1. Your fortune cookie reads: "Those who walk in other's tracks leave no footprints."

  2. You are the most badass ranger evar.

    1. forrest40pf



  3. X-MAAAAN!

  4. What kind of snake is it?

  5. That looks like a happy cupcake picture. CUT IT WITH YOUR CHAINSAAAAW!!!

  6. That is quite the epic dragon, my friend.

  7. September 30th? Yep, that be mah birfday. :D

  8. ROFL! Thanks, Pr0!

  9. Our favorite half human/half machine!

  10. Let's try exporting this vid again. Don't crash, computer. I hate you.

  11. I wasn't aware you were a centaur, Sharpness!

  12. Hmm. May watch some more Dr. Who this evening! We shall see.

  13. Feelin' smexy.

  14. Douglas Adams ftw!

  15. Civ Rev rocks.