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Posts posted by Cloud_of_Id

  1. Following up on Classy's Statment,

    I was thinking instead of reseting why don't you just just have a portal at spawn that takes you to a different part of the server that has not yet been generated. and make the portal active in 1.7.2 so land is generated to 1.7.2. I think this is fair because users who don't want the reset can still have there home's and users who want the reset can use the portal and go to the newly generated

    1.7.2 terrain so everyone wins! :D



    Following, but bending, this thought a little...  I think it would be REALLY cool to have a North, East, South, West portal that lead to those sides (or a Northeast, Southwest, etc. to go to corners: I'd prefer this).  I don't really know how to explain it, but it'd be cool.  (:



    - Tele to a far from spawn clean slate (at least on reset).

    - Eliminate walking miles and miles to find somewhere nice to build.



    - Could almost obliterate "Greefer Traps.  I.E.  Pre-built building near spawn that are checked on for greefing.  (Yes, I say "Greefing".  Easier for me to type   :P)

  2. I know this is supposed to be a discussion...  But I do things wrong all the time so, 

    Here's my vote:
    Reset or not? (Duh)
    Sure, why not?   :P
    Use Towny or an alternate plugin?
    Well, I don't even know what Towny is, so I guess keep Towny.  \(._. )/
    If Towny, Taxes or not?
    If Taxes is what makes me lose $0.50 upon dying, then I would like to see it gone.  ;P
    If yes, what are the rates?
    What kind of activities you would want to see at server launch.
    I'm not really sure.
    What kind of plugins would you like to see included in the new server?
    I've already made a post about this, I'd like to see the Health Bar plugin.  A link to my post here: http://forum.abyssalgaming.com/topic/7008-health-bar/

    And if there are still going to be those huge trees that take oh-so-long to take down..  Please!:  http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/choptree2/  (or at least one similar)

  3. : ) Disregard the video, because I don't think it's related. But this song, I listened to for hours. : o

    "Take me, take me.

    Far away, from this city's soul decay.

    Hid away 'til I was eighteen, only saw colours on a tv screen.

    Skinny jeans and sunglasses, a fashion statement for the masses.

    What you're doing makes me sick, over hyped and generic."

  4. :)

    It's a meme. ('x'ception) If you had an evolope, and you put another envelope in that envelope, it'd be envelopeception.