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Everything posted by Sharpness

  1. The Alchemist Chapter 1 Sneak Preview!!!!!!!!

    One Piece is better. But this makes a good second. Also I expect a free copy.
  2. Merchandise Submissions

    I was feeling bad that no one made anything, so here.
  3. Rap Battle 3: Guntagirl Vs. Scurvy D

    This is gonna be bad. Some feelings are gonna be hurt.
  4. In my defense I WAS going to re-record but I didn't realize that the recordings were coming up this soon >.< So my vote goes for Garon.
  5. Scurvy said that he was going to...so I sent him the....erm....just here: Garon you think that you're so wise, it's gonna be your demise. You talk a lotta smack but it's just an act, deep deep down you are so afraid of me I scare you so much that it makes you pee You tell a lie that you can get a lady better than I But the truth is i'm hell of a guy I'm the definition of fun, you're as amusing as a nun My first time rapping and it looks like I'm done. Garon won that one.
  6. Get in line, Garon and I are first.
  7. Oh I've got this down...
  8. LDShadowLady - Perfect Intro

    Smooth Tarquin.
  9. A smattering of who we are!

    You did not mention me. For I am an important member of the Frames.
  10. What's Crackin' Abyssals!!!

    I was not mentioned once in the opening speech. Good day sir...
  11. TF2 Competition

    You guys are screwed once I go spy.
  12. Premium Competition Results

    Competition was totally rigged.
  13. Public Server - Next Stage

    Good enough.
  14. Forrest40PF

    Oh F*ck the one where I fall asleep.
  15. Your picture scares the fudge (We're not allowed to swear right?) out of me.

  16. Forrest40PF

    I subscribed to Forrest before it was mainstream.