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Posts posted by Sharpness

  1. You can make one more video Lazt or else we will never watch your videos again. This'll be your LAST CHANCE. BAHAAHAHAHAHAHAA

  2. Here it is!

    And if you guys don't mind, send me your lyrics...especially you, Sharpness. Are you even speaking English? :ohmy:

    Sharpness & Garon Battle Rap

    Place your votes, folks!

    Scurvy said that he was going to...so I sent him the....erm....just here:

    Garon you think that you're so wise, it's gonna be your demise. You talk a lotta smack but it's just an act, deep deep down you are so afraid of me

    I scare you so much that it makes you pee

    You tell a lie that you can get a lady better than I

    But the truth is i'm hell of a guy

    I'm the definition of fun, you're as amusing as a nun

    My first time rapping and it looks like I'm done.

    Garon won that one.