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  1. Welcome to the New Website

    Hello and Welcome to the new website! Please be sure to look around and let us know what you think! There are many new sections to explore and a lot to read over. If you find any issues or have feedback, please don't hesitate to let us know! You will notice that the server's status can easily be identified from almost any page within the website! We wanted to make it easy for people to check the status rather than guess if something is going on. All known issues will be posted to the front page of the website where they will remain until rectified. Note that we can't always identify or post them up immediatly. Each server will have its own section on the website. Keep in mind that they may be subject to name change or content change at any time, we will always do our best to keep the pages up to date. Hints, Tricks and Tips will be kept up to date for each as well as any live maps or other features we decide to offer. The Premium & VIP System is undergoing some minor changes. In the past we have simply listed what we offer without regard to what server offers what. No More! We will further describe and associate features and benefits so that you understand what you are receiving. We want to ensure that our supporters don't feel cheated, as has happened in the past. We are changing some policies internally to try to smoothen the process on some servers. The Main change is that on the LDShadowlady Server. Where a grief has occured, moderators may choose to repair and replace broken/stolen items for you. They can't build you houses and give you free stuff though, so please don't ask Features Summary: Cross-System Login: You are now shown as logged in when browsing the new section of the website. Details are the same as forums! (You may need to logout and log back in to get it working the first time)Front Page News Feed: We used to have a very basic front page news feed that never looked or felt right. This is a new custom coded module, so it's all as we want it instead of what we can find to use.Mobile Friendly: The entire new website is Mobile-Friendly, meaning that you can check the status of servers and commands on your Phone or Tablet.SEO Friendly: The Website is fully Search Engine Friendly; That should make finding us a bit easier Full-Featured FAQ: We are trying to keep our FAQ up to date, it will cover all servers as well as the website and general broad questions. If you have a suggestion of something that needs to be listed there, let us know!Full Documentation: All legal documents have been updated to reflect any changes that have occured since their last update as well as clarify on existing documents that were never properly finished.Forum Quick Links: Wherever you are, there are links in the header to the most visited sections of the forums, that way you can always switch through without having to load the index page a hundred times!Advertising Space: We are removing banner ads from everywhere on the website except for the designated advertising space on the bottom of the page. If you see anything you like feel free to click through, it helps us, however don't feel pressured into doing so for our sake.Guides: You will notice that servers have their own guides for getting started or doing specific things. These can be really helpful if you or someone you know needs some help.Issue Tracker: If there is a major issue or outage with the server(s) we will post it on the front page of the website under the issue tracker COMING SOON: The forums will be undergoing an overhaul to match the website, this shouldn't take too much longer to complete!COMING SOON: The HardCore Server will be making a return, more details will follow in coming weeks, we expect it to be a lot more fun in the past and give you something to play for a while. What Next? Please feel free to change your bookmarks to be www.abyssalgaming.com as it will now be a faster source for finding the information you are after.Please read the Legal Documentation and Community Rules (Links are at the top of every page)(ShortURL: abgn.net/legal & abgn.net/rules)Take a look through the FAQ Section (ShortURL: abgn.net/faq)View the Getting Started Guide (ShortURL: abgn.net/startld)Visit the website URL Directory to see all the Short URL's. (ShortURL: abgn.net/directory) I hope you enjoy what I have enjoyed making, it has been a long couple of weeks keeping most of it under wraps and holding off the release, but here it is. We will adapt the website and fill in the blanks as we have more information on certain servers or features. Some features may seem broken or incomplete, this is likely due to design as we are waiting for certain modules before those features can be enabled. Sick of Reading? Start Exploring the new site and please don't forget to leave us feedback! http://www.abyssalgaming.com/home
  2. Servers

    Hey Everyone! First and foremost I want to thank everyone who is still here for their patience. Let me explain what has happened thus far; On the weekend, it was decided that it was the perfect time to move the server to the new datacenter. The reason for this is that our bandwidth provider merged with another, and as such we had to be migrated. At this stage We expected 4-5 hours of downtime, which (fairly enough) extended to about 12 hours. The next step was the hard drive, which was found to be faulty. This is most likely due to the old data center not having taken care in the moving process. This is why the rollback occured, because the files we have now is the manual backup that I took approx 4 days prior to the downtime. After this it took several days to work out why our server (because of how special it is) wouldn't work with their network. It appears as if one of their scripts messed with ours, and we had to get a custom module written up to communicate with our setup (Told you we are special!) In the end we are in a faster datacenter, with what I hope to be much better uptime and latency/lag free playing. We will be working around the clock to get back what we had built, which will include all our new shops and themed areas. Thank you for your patience and loyalty through these issues and we hope everything from here is smooth sailing.
  3. Abyssal Gaming - Progress FTW

    Hello everyone! The Abyssal Gaming Network has a lot going on at the moment, so let me update you all on what's new! Public Server Upgraded! The Public server has finally been upgraded to 1.2. We have more punishments for the griefers and more features for the donators. Premiums get MobDisguise as usual, although the commands have changed (Updated command list) VIP's get even more mobs as well as the ability to use the baby mob command! Yay! (Updated command list) In addition the Inventory Save function has been upgraded for VIP's, it now saves your experience as well! Premiums will continue to enjoy the lack of inventory loss when a creeper comes up behind you! New Server! There is a new server in our midst that you can apply to join here It is called the Hardcore Survival Server. It is a server designed for the tough players who think they have what it takes to legitimatly build a beautiful creation while dodging their enemies, both mobs and players. Features include hardcore PVP, no anti-griefing measures and a reward for the best build at the end of each month. More information can be found in the application thread! To make it harder to hide, here is a Live map of the server: http://www.abgn.net/r/9 Also coming soon is a creative server. This server will be whitelist building for the artists amongst us, and everyone can come visit. We will announce more closer to release. Site Features The Abyssal Gaming Network has always had a lot of resources, but now we have put them up to the public. Webhosting can be purchased from our website under the services tab at the top. We may not be the cheapest in town, but we have the service and knowledge to help anyone get setup with a new website. Coming Soon: Minecraft Server Hosting [ Click here for Services section ] In addition to the hosting, we have a TinyURL generator for any links that are too long to share with others! Part of this service includes a small widget for your browsers Bookmarks toolbar that will automatically turn the current URL into a TinyURL. Want to give it a shot? There is no limit as to how many links you can compress. Here is a link (Shortened using the TinyURL): http://www.abgn.net/r/8 One last feature (unused for now) is that we now have a downloads section. You will see it populated very soon with misc files. In addition the Image Hosting now works for all registered members. Affiliates With More to come, we have partnered with a few small affiliates. None of us are huge and famous, but we all have our specialties and love doing what we do for the fans. You will be able to find an entire fan section for each partner on our forums. 40 Psychic Frames (40PF): These guys do voicing, music and general audio including parodies. Their stuff is hilarious and worth a listen! Dreadlow Gaming: Ledo is a good friend to abyssal gaming and will be running the official RPG Server of Abyssal gaming once it is ready (This could be a while off). in addition he is also working on custom Single Player mods for the Abyssal Community which will be found in our new Downloads section mentioned above. We have a few others in the works, but nothing is confirmed, so you will see no mention until they are. Logo(s) Although not final and 100%, we have a new logo for our forum and social networking done by Ayjayo himself. We hope you can join us in thanking him for the time he has spent with us to create this imagery and the time he will spend helping us further in the future. Thank You Ayjayo! As you can see we have been busy, we have wanted to release content but the limitation has been that 1.2 plugins haven't fully updated. Even now there are plugins missing that we needed, we chose to forgo on those for now as they weren't mission critical. I have held of this giant announcement until we actually had a list of items to announce! I hope everyone can enjoy what we have to offer.