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    • Texture Pack in the Works
      By redhand
      Like the title says I have a texture pack currently in the works as of yesterday and hopefully I'll finish it to a point where I can sent out test packs to some of you guys/gals. This isn't a "true" texture pack though I will mostly be editing blocks from default I don't like (changing lines and connecting texture) some however I am going to completely change. I will not copying from other texture packs and it will still be 16x16. I'd like to see some feed back from you guys on how it looks and maybe we can get this thing popular to some extent. I'll post a list below of the blocks I will be changing as well as what I'm changing and (hopefully) keep you guys updated on the progress.
      Anyway Thank you for reading and have a nice day. - Redhandedmatt
      ( * = Done)
      - Sandstone* (Got rid of the stupid line at the top, connect textures)
      - Smooth Sandstone* (Removed highlights and shades on sides, looks more like Smooth Stone, I may edit this again in the future)
      - Quartz Block* Done (Removed highlights and shades on sides, connects textures better)
      - Netherbrick (Changing colour from purple to a more dark red)
      - Red Brick (Adding colour to make it actually look like real Brick)
      - Cobble Stone (Adding colour to make it look like fieldstone)
      - Smooth Stone (Adding some colour to go with cobble)
      - Redstone Block (Changing to make more like Lapis but red)
      - Glowstone (I have no idea I may not change this in the future)
      - Added Birch Logs (cause I want too)
      Here's a little preview of what I've done.