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Community BatManager
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Posts posted by SpitefulBatman

  1. The store looks nice, the only thing I'd change are a few of the icons and make it so everything doesn't look so huge.

    Other than that good job ^^ I'm loving the changes


    Yeah but it's designed to work on mobile as well, take a look using your phone or tablet.

  2. Hello and Welcome to the new website!

    Please be sure to look around and let us know what you think! There are many new sections to explore and a lot to read over. If you find any issues or have feedback, please don't hesitate to let us know!

    You will notice that the server's status can easily be identified from almost any page within the website! We wanted to make it easy for people to check the status rather than guess if something is going on. All known issues will be posted to the front page of the website where they will remain until rectified. Note that we can't always identify or post them up immediatly.

    Each server will have its own section on the website. Keep in mind that they may be subject to name change or content change at any time, we will always do our best to keep the pages up to date. Hints, Tricks and Tips will be kept up to date for each as well as any live maps or other features we decide to offer.

    The Premium & VIP System is undergoing some minor changes. In the past we have simply listed what we offer without regard to what server offers what. No More! We will further describe and associate features and benefits so that you understand what you are receiving. We want to ensure that our supporters don't feel cheated, as has happened in the past.

    We are changing some policies internally to try to smoothen the process on some servers. The Main change is that on the LDShadowlady Server. Where a grief has occured, moderators may choose to repair and replace broken/stolen items for you. They can't build you houses and give you free stuff though, so please don't ask :)

    Features Summary:

    • Cross-System Login: You are now shown as logged in when browsing the new section of the website. Details are the same as forums! (You may need to logout and log back in to get it working the first time)
    • Front Page News Feed: We used to have a very basic front page news feed that never looked or felt right. This is a new custom coded module, so it's all as we want it instead of what we can find to use.
    • Mobile Friendly: The entire new website is Mobile-Friendly, meaning that you can check the status of servers and commands on your Phone or Tablet.
    • SEO Friendly: The Website is fully Search Engine Friendly; That should make finding us a bit easier :)
    • Full-Featured FAQ: We are trying to keep our FAQ up to date, it will cover all servers as well as the website and general broad questions. If you have a suggestion of something that needs to be listed there, let us know!
    • Full Documentation: All legal documents have been updated to reflect any changes that have occured since their last update as well as clarify on existing documents that were never properly finished.
    • Forum Quick Links: Wherever you are, there are links in the header to the most visited sections of the forums, that way you can always switch through without having to load the index page a hundred times!
    • Advertising Space: We are removing banner ads from everywhere on the website except for the designated advertising space on the bottom of the page. If you see anything you like feel free to click through, it helps us, however don't feel pressured into doing so for our sake.
    • Guides: You will notice that servers have their own guides for getting started or doing specific things. These can be really helpful if you or someone you know needs some help.
    • Issue Tracker: If there is a major issue or outage with the server(s) we will post it on the front page of the website under the issue tracker

    • COMING SOON: The forums will be undergoing an overhaul to match the website, this shouldn't take too much longer to complete!
    • COMING SOON: The HardCore Server will be making a return, more details will follow in coming weeks, we expect it to be a lot more fun in the past and give you something to play for a while.


    What Next?

    • Please feel free to change your bookmarks to be www.abyssalgaming.com as it will now be a faster source for finding the information you are after.
    • Please read the Legal Documentation and Community Rules (Links are at the top of every page)(ShortURL: abgn.net/legal & abgn.net/rules)
    • Take a look through the FAQ Section (ShortURL: abgn.net/faq)
    • View the Getting Started Guide (ShortURL: abgn.net/startld)
    • Visit the website URL Directory to see all the Short URL's. (ShortURL: abgn.net/directory)


    I hope you enjoy what I have enjoyed making, it has been a long couple of weeks keeping most of it under wraps and holding off the release, but here it is. We will adapt the website and fill in the blanks as we have more information on certain servers or features.

    Some features may seem broken or incomplete, this is likely due to design as we are waiting for certain modules before those features can be enabled.

    Sick of Reading? Start Exploring the new site and please don't forget to leave us feedback!


    20 people like this

  3. Hello again!


    Just a small feature update, we have added better steam integration to the website. Simply Add your SteamID to your profile and the system will begin to pull your details from steam directly.

    Edit Profile Details: http://forum.abyssalgaming.com/index.php?app=core&module=usercp&tab=core



    If you dont know your SteamID, you can visit the following website to find it easily.

    Find my SteamID: http://www.steamidfinder.com/


    You will notice that it adds a special field next to your posts, and it adds an entire new area on your profile once it updates your details :)


    Simple as that, I hope you enjoy this feature making it easier to find and connect with your friends here :)

    14 people like this

  4. Hello Again Everyone,


    I am proud to present a screenshot from the now, under-construction website. It isn't far off being done, I am just finishing some of the core functionality.


    Please find below a list of features and changes that are a direct result of the website upgrade and changes to our systems.


    • The Downloads System has been terminated and removed. (It wasn't being used much anyway)
    • Some of the current content pages have been removed as they were apart of an old CMS plugin.
    • New Server Listings & Information
      All Pages will have information like the screenshot, including hints, tips, rules and known issues
    • Issue Tracker
      This will allow us to communicate known issues with the players so that if there is an outage or something stops working, you know why when we do.
    • Server Status Indicators
      You can see it at the top of the current screenshot, and will also be available in the menus, the servers will all show if they are up and online or if they are offline. Basic stats like Users Online are available where supported.
      These indicators will be available on the forums as well once the integration has been fulfilled.
    • New Ticket System
      * This is currently under construction *
      We want to streamline the process and make it as easy as possible to sumbit reports. When live, these reports will include the previously announced 'report-a-mod' so that if you have an issue with a staff member, you don't need to be afraid to let us know.
    • Staff Applications
      Staff applications have once again been streamlined and re-integrated into the new look. They will be easy to file and be made public to all. This lets you see your competition and allow you to see how many have applied. The same rules apply as in the past regarding multiple applications etc.
    • Rules & Info Pages
      Rules, Privacy Policy and Terms have all been updated. It is expected that every user read these pages to understand how we use data you submit to our servers as well as the rules we expect you to follow while using our services.
    • A couple of How-To's
      Need help setting up Push-to-Talk or Teamspeak itself? We have you covered. Hopefully when people start requesting more, we can get some more helpful tutorials up and going for people.
    • FAQ Section
      We intend on setting up an FAQ section, it will cover everything from Premium Subscriptions to server inquiries.
    • Getting Started & Other Guides
      Servers will get guides depending on their content, including the aforementioned How-To's as well as getting started on the server and how to use the server mechanics to your advantages (Such as surviving certain mobs etc)
    • Changes to Premium & VIP
      While no major changes are being made to the program itself, how we present it is. We have come to realize that due to the recent issues in Minecraft causing a lot of mod support to drop, we have been unable to match what we used to offer. We don't like the idea of misleading people into giving up money. Because of that we are going to be more transparent with what each paid membership offers as well as trying to update the specifics on a per-server basis.
      Paid Memberships will have a dedicated page where they can keep up to date with what their membership does and doesn't include and what the benefits of moving up are.
    • Fully Mobile Friendly
      The forums may not be able to be fully mobile friendly, but the website will be. If you want to check if there is a server issue that is stopping you for joining on MineChat, you will be able to check the website on your phone or tablet!
    • Without further ado; A screenshot!
      http://abgn.net/public/newweb/Screenshot1-LDS.jpg (Also attached to this post!)
    • There is a lot more to come but for now I am keeping some stuff under wraps, most of the staff doesn't even know yet ;) - There is much more I'd love to show you but it would ruin some of the upcoming changes and additions. I hope everyone likes the look of the new site as much as I've enjoyed developing it.


    P.S I would really appreciate feedback!


    Original Announcement:


    Hello Everyone,


    As you know the site is a bit run down, and not used nearly as much as it used to be! We are looking to change that soon with a brand new website. As many will know from the server announcements, it isn't going to be too far away!


    We will be keeping the core content as up to date as possible and will be implimenting more features and content as time goes by. This will affect the current offerings slightly as follows. Note that some may come back later or are being replaced with new replacements;


    • Downloads Section is being Removed. May offer new replacement but will not be as advanced nor will it be available upon release.
    • Server List is receiving a MAJOR update, stay tuned!
    • Blogs will remain!
    • Affiliates shortcuts will be removed, replacement to be determined.
    • Forums will be cleaned up a bit where possible, minimizing the front page's clutter.
    • Appeals Process will be revamped (This may be immediate or take time depending on release timeline)
    • Report Staff Issue will be apart of the new system (This may be immediate or take time depending on release timeline)

    Got an idea for a forum section that needs to go? Or one that you see yourself and friends using in the future? Let us know here.


    P.S. We aren't telling any secrets yet ;) so you're just going to have to wait!



    11 people like this

  5. Thank you for your feedback =)


    I have discussed this with the moderation staff you mentioned as well as a few (including members) who were online at the same time. The stories don't seem to match up.


    Could you tell me step by step how I can reproduce the error you are having, if I am able to replicate it, I may be willing to offer you reimbursement. Please note the following:


    • The system is designed ONLY to take currency of the value it states, it will not give you anything unless it matches it perfectly.
    • The system does NOT log purchases, only sales.
    • Our staff will ask you to drop the subject when they are unable to continue to give responses as the conversation becomes repeatitive and serves no meaning for either party.


    I look forward to your reply and hope we can resolve the issue quickly.




    Abyssal Gaming BatManager.

  6. Happy Weekend Everyone!


    As part of the next stage of our release cycle, we have moved and updated the staff application system. This means if you are staff already, you need to tell me why you think you are good enough to stay :P - Otherwise for those whom already applied to be staff and have yet to hear back from us, you are now required to re-apply once again in the new database.


    Please ensure you read all the Guidelines prior to applying and ensure you are eligible. Robots need not apply.


    Once again thank you to everyone whom is willing to volunteer their time and we look forward to working with some of you.



    ^   APPLY TODAY   ^

    13 people like this

  7. Well hello again guys,


    It appears as if we are reaching the end of this servers lifespan. We have certainly been through a lot on it over the past 6-8 months.


    While we are unable to give you a final date, I am here to tell you that the reset has finally been scheduled. We expect this to occur at the end of March or very early in April.


    Mickket has spent the last 3 months creating a custom world which everyone will love. This is by far our most detailled, beautiful world to date, and we hope you all love it! We are doing finishing touches and bug fixes and then we will be building the cities and towns, mini games etc that you have seen in the other thread.


    The release schedule is as follows;

    Day 1: VIP-Only Access

    Day 2: VIP-Only Access

    Day 3: VIP & Premium Access

    Day 4: VIP & Premium Access

    Day 5: Full access for all members

    Key Events:

    Day 7: PvP World Released

    Day 14: Currency back orders will be delivered along with any items purchased through forums


    If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask here, if you want more information about the reset, please check the main thread here;


    1 person likes this

  8. Opening Competition:


    We will hold a small competition to have a chance to have some of your artwork on show on the new server. The requirements are as follows;

    • Contains No Signs
    • Must look good on the default texture pack
    • Must be based on LDShadowLady!
    • No mentions of your own username nor Abyssal Gaming nor Staff names.
    • It may be a statue of LD, if so please be very creative! Statues have been proven to become outdated fast!
    • You may submit up to 2 entrants into the competition, double your chances of winning!
    • You may NOT use water or lava if it is not fully contained

    • Your build will be featured on the new server either in spawn or a major capital
    • A token worth $3000.00 to one of the secret shops

      How to Submit:
    • You can send us a schematic file via PM or reply to the competition thread (To be posted, you may begin making it now though!)
    • Build it on creative and tell a member of the Staff Team
    • Build it on the current server and tell a member of the Staff Team (This will hold higher value due to the fact you need to collect materials and deal with mobs in order to build it. We recommend this for a chance at a higher score)

    Copy, Paste & Edit:


    Server: ie LD or Creative.

    Co-ordinates:  x,y,z


    Description: A brief description of your build.


    If you are submitting a schematic, upload it here or via a file sharing website along with a screenshot of it in the world.

  9. I only banned you so that you would have to come here to appeal.


    I would appreciate in the future if you guys asked us first, these builds are available on our museum server and could have easily been filmed there. When we see them on other servers, especially of our more trusted members, we feel betrayed. Mickket put a lot of work into building that specific build as we generally try to do with all builds.


    You will be unbanned as this was only a warning. Thank you for taking the time to post.

  10. A Guide to Surviving the Apocalypse

    Created by the creators of the Apocalypse

    (If the creators know this information, its probably useless)


    The apocalypse is a death ridden event that overwhelmes all who take part. As such we felt it important to give you tips on how to survive. This year is a bit different as it seems that the armies have infiltrated the ranks of the administration team, giving them a vastly overwhelming gain in power.


    Your Town is the most important thing, if you can keep it alive for long enough, you may just be able to survive the apocalypse without dying 100 times. Having said that, the infection has spread into the taxation team and slowly the taxes are rising. You are going to need a lot of money if you plan on riding out the tax increases.


    Generally speaking, if you dont have or have lost your town, the server cities are the next safest place. Usually the final stand will occur in one of these cities. Because of this, they are *usually* safe havens during the apocalypse.


    Surviving in the wild can get tough, as the apocalypse progresses the zombies learn more and more, for example they learn to tower over walls or dig straight through them. These instincts often get people killed. It is a much safer bet to work as a team, the larger the team the more likely you will survive.


    If you value your items, and lets face it, why would you when the end of the world is nigh, you probably should stash them somewhere safe because you WILL die over and over again. If you are worried about armor and weaponry, don't. There will be armories around. We guarantee that you will lose items during this time and you will not likely get them back.


    Generally speaking, it is best to stick with the main group during the final phases as they will need help with the big hordes of mobs. This gives you the best opportunity to survive as long as possible and if you die someone can make use of your stuff.


    We recommend that you build a stronghold with thick walls and plenty of traps and defences. This is going to be necessary to minimising your deaths.


    Dont have fire near wood, fire spread is due to be turned on, as such they will likely betray you in your time of need.

    Beware of creepers as their explosions will start to damage the world!


    Finally, if you dont want to drop items, it may be worth investing into a few months of premium or VIP while the apocalypse goes on. As the war begins to rage on, it will become more and more intense.


    Good Luck and Happy Surviving.

  11. A Greek man walked into a bank in New York City and asked for the loan

    officer. He told the loan officer that he was going to Greece on business

    for two weeks and needed to borrow $5,000 and that he was not a depositor of the bank.


    The bank officer told him that the bank would need some form of security

    for the loan, so the Greek man handed over the keys to his new Ferrari. The

    car was parked on the street in front of the bank. The Greek man produced

    the title and everything checked out. The loan officer agreed to hold the

    car as collateral for the loan And apologised for having to charge 12%



    Later, the bank's president and its officers all enjoyed a good laugh at

    the Greek man for using a $250,000 Ferrari as collateral for a $5,000 loan.

    An employee of the bank then drove the Ferrari into the bank's underground

    garage and parked it.


    Two weeks later, the Greek man returned, repaid the $5,000 and the interest

    of $23.07 in full. The loan officer said, "Sir, we are very happy to have

    had your business, and this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we

    are a little puzzled. While you were away, we checked you out and found

    that you are a millionaire. What puzzles us is why would you bother to

    borrow $5,000 when you are a millionaire?"


    The Greek man replied, "Malaka, where else in New York City can I park my

    car for two weeks for only $23.07 and expect it to be there when I return?

  12. I know not many people are the biggest fans of Red Foo, especially after LMFAO went on hiadus, but hey, for those who wanna see it, this was a private concert I went to.



    Notice at the end he doesn't actually say cya later or anything and dumps the mic on a stage hand as he leaves. He isn't really a very nice guy by the looks of it. He sat in his VIP area for almost 3 hours before this 10 MINUTE performance. *sigh* A bit ridiculous if you ask me ... (C WHAT I DID THAR?!)

  13. So as it has been seen in the other topic, the votes to reset the server greatly outweigh those to keep it. It is now formally advised that we will be resetting the server at some stage in the next few months.


    Why few months? Because we want to ensure that we can release at 100% capability with everything as promised rather than leaving it half completed and trying to finish it over the coming months after.


    As such, we are going to wind down this server with several events occurring. Some random stuff will occur as well but these are the sure fire things that will be happening;


    • Towny Taxes are currently disabled, this doesn't mean you don't need money anymore. Taxes will make a come back except they will grow substantially over the next several weeks. You think that your Towny protection will last until the apocalypse? THINK AGAIN! - If you feel up to it, try to beat the taxes and stay ahead. Start saving now! (Rollback will be disabled to ensure that nothing is lost)
    • Mobs will begin to learn their old ways in destroying walls ... This is when things get serious. You think its hard now? Wait until they can rip through your walls.
    • *sneeze* I think I am coming down with something, best steer clear of me on the server until i get it checked out or you might find yourself on the wrong end of my arsenal of weapons. Whats that Kilias? You feel it too? Perhaps all the staff need to get checked up.

    More will happen and I may even update this post, in the meantime prepare for the onslaught that is to come and remember... no where is safe.

  14. It has come to our attention that players have been downloading copys of our builds and using them on other servers.


    While we are honoured that you feel they're awesome enough to have on your server, we also are insulted that you would do so without permission or credit.


    Any server found to be using our content, especially where it is claimed as your own without credit, we will issue bans to the players who play on that server until proof is submitted that they are removed.


    If you see something you like on our server and would like to paste it into your world, please contact me via PM for permission and instructions. If you are told no, please accept the answer and move on, our builders put a lot of effort into our builds and they do so without pay, so respecting their wishes is the one thing we can do to show our thanks.

    12 people like this