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Posts posted by StevieDarling

  1. You have been jailed for 5 hours because you placed lava in a player's house. Although you said in chat that play pranks on Axe_Wielder & he "likes it," he reported this incident, and it is therefore a grief, not a prank. You are also muted for the duration of your jail sentence because you were told by two different moderators that we only discuss these matters in your appeal, but you continued to talk about it in chat on the server. Jail time is in-game only, so stay logged in to get it over with. When you are out of jail, a mod can help you get those rule books you requested.





  2. Elliott, on November 18th Tarquin replied to your sister's report about your house being missing, explaining that multiple griefs on your part led to a rollback of your work, and that one more offense would mean a permajail.We recently found another grief by you committed on November 29th, in which you were part of a group that broke into and damaged another player's house. Therefore, you will no longer be allowed to play on the server. You had been given a second chance, and we won't have the game ruined for others.


  3. I talked to artsyboy_ on the server and asked what he wanted to do about his brother creating a forum account with his identity. Instead of us deleting it, he said he would have his brother transfer the account. If any unusual posts or spam take place on this account, we are not responsible and it will be banned since you two chose to work it out.

    1 person likes this

  4. This might sound really simple, but have you tried restarting your client? And does anyone else have access to your account? It could be someone is logged into a server on your account already. If that's a concern, change your password at minecraft.net.

  5. Is your MIinecraft definitely 1.4, and is it the official one from Minecraft.net? You can't use cracked clients on our servers. I know you verified this stuff in your post, but that's usually the issue with people not getting on the server. Maybe try re-downloading the minecraft.exe file?

  6. We are catching a lot of players XRaying lately, and they all seem to be aware that others "have been warned," but don't think that warning applies to them. What I found when I investigated your case is that it looks more like you were attempting to scapegoat another player in the event that you were caught using XRay. Because of that, you will remain jailed for two weeks. After that time you can play on the server but you will have to appeal your mute at that time. I have taken the ores from your town chests. Take this "warning" to heart. A second offense of any kind from you will result in a permanent jail.

  7. I investigated this and explored your tunnels. Please explain to me why you dug tunnels using XRay to find ores but asked another player to dig them up for you.

  8. If the Abyssal 3.0 theme had the sorta colour scheme of the halloween one but minus all the halloween decoration, I think it would look pretty cool. Just a suggestion

    I'd like that option, too. I like the look of it being really dark with the way the font stands out.