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Posts posted by Pr0Failure

  1. As previously noted, the speed will be improved. Also, in machines and computers, moving parts are usually considered some of the most likely fail points. If you don't have a disc drive, there's a lot less on the Xbox that has the potential to fail. Anyone remember the failing drives on the original Xbox? Those were like a plague...

    I was PS2 Noob before 360 lol. #Jak&Daxter

  2. Name: Nick

    Age: 16

    Location: Illinois (USA)

    What games do you play?: Minecraft, CoD (MW3, Black Ops, CoD4), Perfect World (Private Server), AVA

    How did you find Abyssal Gaming?: I was already a member from when it was the 2g1m site. Found 2g1m through one of Kirk's videos from way back when.

    What position are you applying for?: Moderator

    Why do you feel you'll be a good asset to us?: Past experience of administration/moderation on several different sites/games.

    Please list any experience you have in the position you are applying for: Previous Forum Moderator when Abyssal Gaming was still the 2g1m site. Support Member (Mod) for a Gaming network that hosts several different games with multiple servers. Including having to deal with in-game problems and forum drama/flame (including ad bots) along with operating the moderation/administration control panel.

    Make us laugh (joke, etc): tumblr_m0jjedfqSx1r20ddfo1_500.jpg

  3. Still waiting for my brother to come back with my crap. It might be a while considering he's in college and is always out with friends. And whenever I text him he just ignores it. He said he'd have my crap back Sunday night, but now it's Tuesday and still nothing.