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Posts posted by bekahchu

  1. I've been to the border of the map and I've seen so many nice areas out there where i want to build xD

    People just need to explore a little, the amount of animals out there is crazy plus the ones on the other side of the border which i can't get :c

    I'm still voting Yes but It might change, even though it looks like it won't happen.

  2. I think most people voting against the reset would think otherwise if they could bring things over...

    I agree with this.

    And for the people who have just joined in the past few weeks wouldn't it be better to reset now and start fresh, then lose everything you worked on when the next reset happens? I do understand that this wouldn't apply to people who have been here since the last reset but idk.

    Just saying.

  3. Fun video. Looking forward to more. Yeah ... you did get smoked pretty hard.

    Overall he kicked my butt, but between the two of us it was close maybe 1-3 kills between just us at the end.


  4. > :D

    Me failing at Battlefield 3 with OreRocks kicking my arse.

    Super sneaky recording :3

    LOL I say dangmit at 2:22 it's a mix between Damnit and dang it .-. derp.

    I always freeze when I get cornered...or I just shoot in every direction possible.

    haha c:

    Please excuse how weird I sound..I was in a weird mood.

    I'm off too sleep now yay c:

  5. I would say yes, because I feel like the map right now is very cramped and because i would like to start over with a new town, but don't want to lose everything I've found over the last few days :c

    So I'm kinda Half and Half on this, But if it happens it happens.

    Plus the Hot air balloons I've spent a few hours on, it would suck to see those go :c

  6. It's not really quiet; I could hear you fine.

    Fun video - especially you running from the mobs. Hope you find sheep so you can make a bed soon.

    I will be making more. It was a good feeling to upload that video c:

    Hopefully I'll have one out tomorrow or later this week.

    I will teach you the ways of the lumberjack young grass hopper. -,_,-

    also a video about me sounds awesome! <*not self centered at all* :D

    I knew you'd comment on that :3



    ____━━____┗┓|:::::: ^━━^ |



    ahh. That's too cute c:


  7. Fun. I want to hear you talk more though. Keep it up!

    I have a video sitting in Sony Vegas that just needs my intro added. That video has a lot of talking in it..


  8. Do it! Get to the chopper!

    In all seriousness, if you make more, I'll watch, so I hope you do.

    I'm going to record one today hopefully so I should have one up soon.


  9. Bekahchu! You are epic at editing videos! Teach me your ways master!

    Haha Thank you King! This was just thrown together so I'm glad the editing is ok. :D

    Ha! Loved your first video. I hope you do more. You've gotten another subscriber in me.

    c: Thank you. I may start doing my own soon but I'm not 100% sure.

  10. So a few days ago some of us played The Minecraft Hunger Games and I recorded most of it.

    This is quite long and took forevarrr to upload so I hope everyone enjoys this.

    I also apologize if your skin didn't show up, I have no idea what was going on.

    There is some swearing but not much.

    My YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/bekahchuu


    I might start doing my own videos but I'm not sure.

    And I don't sound Australian c:

    1 person likes this

  11. Name: (First name is OK) Bekah Or Rebecca

    Age: 18

    Location: New Zealand.

    What games do you play?: Minecraft, The Sims 3 and Battlefield 3

    How did you find Abyssal Gaming?: Through LDShadowlady

    How long have you been here?: On the servers maybe about 2 months, on the forums just under a month I think.

    How often do you visit the website?: Not very often which was due to my laptop breaking but it's fixed now so I'm all good.

    How often do you visit the server?: Everyday.

    Which server do you mainly play on?: LDShadow and the Creative server.

    What position are you applying for?: Mod or Artsy person. If you want images of my graphic design just ask :D

    Why do you feel you'll be a good asset to us?: Because being in a different time zone, I've found no mods or even admins are on when they are needed or they just aren't paying attention. :P I'm honest and willing to help people if the need it, If I'm needed at 5am my time I'll be on. I'd love to get on the team-speak but I'm shy so I'd need some encouraging I do also have Skype c:

    Please list any experience you have in the position you are applying for: MC Mod: None. Forum Mod: Quite a bit I was a sectional Mod on a gaming forum and I'm currently a Mod on a Sims 3 forum I was also on the GFX team on the gaming forum to basically take requests and make people Signatures and stuff.

    Make us laugh (joke, etc): One time I was watching Americas Funniest Home Videos and they had a montage or people walking to glass doors, and I said "I'll never do that, I'm not stupid"...Five minutes later I walked into a glass door broke my nose.