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Posts posted by Kilias351

  1. I've been sitting here typing and deleting walls of text, trying to figure out just what I want to say.

    We had a hell of a ride. Countless laughs. Endless fun. Long lasting friendships. I've met so many great people thanks to this community. Hell, I even met my girlfriend because of it. I'm not great at these kinds of things, but I can say that the bonds I've made, thanks to this community, aren't going anywhere.

    I'll see you all around. Even though we don't have a server, we are still a community, and we do still have a Discord. ;)

    2 people like this

  2. Day 3- This darn cough still won't go away. I find myself being easily angered and quick to resort to physical violence when aggravated. I need to quarantine myself until I am able to find a remedy to this illness. Other staff members are also feeling under the weather, but none of them seem to be as bad as Tarquin or myself yet, maybe they caught it from us or just got unlucky enough to catch it from somewhere else after Tarquin and I.


                There's an unsettling wind in the air as of recently as well. It comes from the direction of our old lands. A chill runs down my spine when I feel it, and it brings back the terrible memories of when we had to flee the lands of Massalia and the Citadel due to the monster onslaught. I get the same feeling as I had in those times, but I slayed the Zombie General, they should have no intelligent mind left to lead them... Have they found a new leader? Did they find a way to track us down? These questions concern me and keep me up at night. Only time will tell if we need to assemble the Tokias Empire Military again to face these foes, and I will be there to lead them... I just hope that this illness will subside before any military measures are necessary...

  3. You were found griefing into another players home. The logs do not lie, as you have done it multiple times in the same area. This jail and mute will not be overturned, and you will need to serve the entirety of your sentence.




  4. I want all of you to go your seperate ways, and make sure this does not happen again. Since this is the first offense for all of you, you will be given a second chance. If we find any evidence of anything like this happening again APPROPRIATE ACTION WILL BE TAKEN. This is the last warning you will get.

  5. I know this is a bit late, but in the spirit of sportsmanship, and since i'm perfectly happy paying for my premium, and since Tarquin is opted out, i'd like to give the 1 month premium to the third place winner, Ved! and the 1 week premium to the fourth place winner, Rev!