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Posts posted by TheWard

  1. why does one team have four and another have five :D this seems unfair or possibly a plot point :o

    Fireteam 4 and Fireteam 5 ;) Which is also why their symbols are "IV" and "V".. each team have 3 members.. which I think is quite clear from the trailer xD

  2. Basically gonna be about two groups of marines sent to keep an eye on the teams from RvB and make sure they don't kill each other. One team is meant to protect the red team and another is meant to protect the blue team.

    It takes place between season 1 and 2 of RvB. I'm most likely gonna make a pilot where I just voice all characters so I can use it to recruit voice actors.

    Once I get footage from the actual game and stuff I will most likely make a more explanatory trailer.

    I also sent a mail to RoosterTeeth asking if it was okay to use audio assets from RvB so I can have more famous lines like "bow chica bow wow" and stuff in the background, since my series wont actually directly interact with the characters in RvB.

  3. I am currently going through a machinima/Halo phase, but since I haven't gotten my Halo Reach yet I haven't actually been able to make any machinima.. but I made this.

    Should probably make it clear that this is just an idea.. so might just fall to the ground.. we'll see ;)

    (I have a tendency of letting projects die if I don't enjoy making it)

  4. I like how he calls you a retard while watching the "controls"-screen with a bright red button next to the word "Inventory"....

    You have my permission to blow him up :)

  5. We can't. Stop being in a different time zone!

    weekends! WEEKENDS! .. And as soon as I decide that I hate my job enough to quit, expect me to be online 25/7! (yes, I can do that)

  6. fantastic episode

    and fyi it doesn't sound like the stereotypes would suggest.

    If i were to say "out and about the outhouse" it would sound like "out and about the outhouse".

    NOT "oot and aboot the oothoose"

    Well BDA said "hoose" a couple of times so you can understand why I would think that :P